JAKARTA - Corriere dello Sport admits to being a victim of "lynching" for the controversial headline "Black Friday" questioned by club AS Roma. Editor Ivan Zazzaroni emphasized that several clubs have expressed support for their newspapers.

This Italian sports publication sparked public outrage when it used the term "Black Friday" on the front page of Thursday's edition to complement the photos of Romelu Lukaku (Inter Milan) and Chris Smalling (Roma). The former team-mates at Manchester United will face each other in Friday's Serie A clash.

According to Football Italia, Inter striker Lukaku called the headline the "stupidest" title he had ever seen and Smalling called it "very insensitive".

But after appearing on social media and raising some criticism, Corriere pleaded "not guilty" and refused to soften up in the next issue.

Friday's headline reads: "Racist to whom? Lynching to a newspaper that has defended freedom and equality for a century".

The cover also contains a collage of past headlines condemning racism and an editorial from Zazzaroni that insists "Black Friday" is meant to be a celebration of diversity.

However, both Roma and Inter Milan have responded to the headline by prohibiting Corriere from speaking to their players and attending training sessions for the remainder of 2019.

In an appearance in Telelombardia, Zazzaroni said: "Other clubs have expressed solidarity with Corriere. I don't have to justify myself. In the newspapers we do a lot of articles about the fight against racism.

"The headlines have been explained and clarified. It was a pun on the two anti-racism champions."

The racial controversy has plagued Italian football this season. Lukaku and Mario Balotelli (Brescia) were separately subjected to ridicule from supporters during matches in September and November.

Serie A clubs recently signed an open letter pledging their pledge against addressing racism at matches in Italy. They also criticized Italian football authorities for not doing enough to punish racists at matches.

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