JAKARTA - Menpora Zainudin Amali welcomed the plan for a new sports portal owned by MNC Portal Indonesia 'Sportstar.id' which is planned to be launched on May 25.

This was conveyed by the Menpora when receiving the MPI (MNC Portal Indonesia) group led by MPI Managing Director / Vice President Rafael Utomo, on the 10th Floor of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Jakarta, Thursday, May 5.

There are two things that were discussed at the meeting. First, MPI, which currently has four portals with various news segments, will soon have a special sports portal.

Second, regarding cooperation, both in the form of socialization and news programs on various regulations, policies, sports events, especially in 2021 various calendars of national and international events, such as PON, SEA Games, Olympics, and others.

Menpora are pleased with the special sports portal created by MNC Portal Indonesia.

"When I was at the DPR, I used to open HL for the first time and a few front pages, then back, now directly back to the sports news, unfortunately it is true that sports news is still lacking in any media, many are foreign, foreign players, foreign clubs, foreign leagues. Therefore, I welcome the birth of Sportstar.id, I am happy that there is a special portal for sports, "he added.

Menpora Amali really hopes that there will be positive news that can change people's thinking about sports targets and achievements in Indonesia.

"We have to give the understanding that the achievement is the Olympics, the main target is there, others such as the Asian Games, the SEA Games are intermediate targets," he said.

Besides that, the big hope is that it can be massively disseminated to the National Sports Grand Design, because here it is clearly shown that how to design athletes' talents towards achievement in 2045 into the top five of the world.

"Ready for a possible collaboration according to the rules, I entrust the Grand Design which we created after 76 years of Indonesia can be well socialized," hoped the Menpora Amali.

The good news for the birth of Sportstar.id, as conveyed by Editor in Chief Fetra Hariandja and Redpel Ma'ruf El Rumi will be launched at the end of this month. "God willing, it will be inaugurated on May 25, please attend the Minister," said Fetra. (Cah)

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