MAKASSAR - To promote the 2025 MotoGP event which will be held at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit, The Mandalika area, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on October 3-5, 2025, Mandalika Grand Prix Association Management (MGPA) collaborates with the Makassar City Government.
"My friends and I came to Makassar to introduce MotoGP events and circuits in general. Why Makassar? Because from our series data in previous years, there were quite a lot of ticket purchases from Makassar," said MGPA General Director Priandhi Satria during a meeting at Makassar City Hall, South Sulawesi, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, March 23.
Together with the MGPA ranks and MGPA Head of Hospitality Rully Habibie, he specifically met with the Mayor of Makassar Munafri Arifuddin to discuss a number of potential revenue collaborations including the involvement of marketing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) products to the international arena.
In addition, his staff also invited Munafri Arifuddin to participate in the MotoGP race at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit, The Mandalika area.
Priandhi said, Makassar City has a significant market in the sale of MotoGP tickets in previous years. Therefore, his staff deliberately came to Makassar to carry out various promotional activities, including ticket sales and trading with the motorcycle community.
This activation aims to provide a further understanding to the public about ticket sales systems and early purchase profits.
"So we came here to make an activation at one of the malls, for ticket sales. In the afternoon we made a riding with the motorcycle community to explain the ticketing we have, the discount is still large. So that buying now can be guaranteed," he said.
Deputy Director of MGPA, Samsul Purba added, his party has coordinated with the South Sulawesi Provincial Government to reopen opportunities for MSMEs from South Sulawesi to participate in the 2025 MotoGP event, as implemented in 2022.
"We have gone to the Governor to convey as MotoGP 2022, South Sulawesi MSMEs open stands there. We hope it can be reopened and it will receive a positive response from the Governor," said Samsul Purba.
From the schedule, the MGPA team was in Makassar for two days, Saturday-Sunday, March 22-23, 2025 to hold a number of activities, including Ngabuburide, GP Talkshow, breaking fast together and offline ticket boxes which will be available at one of the malls in Makassar.
In addition, the involvement of MSMEs from city districts, including Makassar City, he said, will be curated by a team from the provincial government who deserves to participate in marketing their products so that they really carry the characteristics and identities of South Sulawesi at the Mandalika MotoGP.
Based on ticket sales data, Makassar City is always included in the top two cities with the highest number of purchases every year, after Jakarta. This shows the high interest of the people of Makassar towards the MotoGP performance.
Responding to this, Makassar Mayor Munafri Arifuddin stated that the international racing event did have many fans in Makassar City. His party also stated that they would give full support to MGPA's efforts to increase the participation of the people of Makassar in the 2025 MotoGP.
"Makassar does have a large MotoGP fan base. Every year, many of our citizens go to Mandalika to witness this race firsthand. So it is natural that MGPA sees great potential here. Whatever it is, we support it. God willing, if there is time, we will try to be there later," he said.
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