JAKARTA - Mixed doubles of Indonesian representatives, Dejan Ferdinansyah/Siti Fadia Silva had to settle for Thailand Masters 2025 runner-up status after closing the fierce final through three games.

Dejan/Fadia must submit with the final results 21-19, 17-21 and 13-21 when meeting Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Supissara Paewsampran at Nimibutr Stadium on Sunday, February 2 afternoon WIB.

In the first game, Indonesia's mixed doubles successfully showed a slick performance with first points. Dejan/Fadia even closed the first interval with a score of 11-8.

Dejan/Fadia's solid game in the second half of the first game brought them away from the pursuit of the host pair. Point by point was successfully secured until the first game became owned by Indonesia with a score of 21-19.

Furthermore, in the second half, Dejan/Fadia's performance was torn apart because the host's representative stole points up to 6-3. Had cut the distance to 5-6 this condition made the Indonesian representative's spirit burn but the first interval closed with the Red and White representatives remaining behind with a score of 10-11.

The competition was getting tighter within the second half because Dejan/Fadia equalized to 11-11. The sharp competition and accuracy of Dejan and Dechapol's smashes became an interesting side of the match. Dejan/Fadia continued to hunt for points and approach, but Dechapol/Supissara were still ahead.

From the difference of one point at a score of 15-16, Dejan/Fadia were then 15-18 behind. Three points wide because Supissara's improved performance in front of the net left Dejan/Fadia 16-20 behind before losing 17-21.

A draw situation forced the match to continue into the decisive round, the game ruber was held to determine the winner. At this moment, Dejan/Fadia susse made a 3-0 advantage.

The Indonesian pair's points rate did not continue. The score became 3-3 and even turned behind, but Dejan/Fadia's mistake became the advantage of the opponent who was the fourth seed in Thailand Masters 2025.

Had equalized to 6-6, Dejan/Fadia were again three points behind and made the third interval 11-8 ahead for the host's representative.

Entering the second half of the deciding game, the Thai pair tried to maximize the attack by relying on the final completion of Dechapol which left Dejan/Fadia behind 9-14. Dejan/Fadia's return seemed to be a bait for Dechapol to do the smash.

The distance of five points made Supissara confident and contributed points. On the other hand, mistakes after mistakes continue to be made by Dejan/Fadia so that this non-seeded pair lag behind and must lose with a score of 13-21 in the third game.

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