JAKARTA The Central Board of the Indonesian Basketball Association (PP Perbasi) led by the General Chairperson of Budisatrio Djiwandono for the 2024-2028 term was officially inaugurated.
The inauguration of the new management of the national basketball parent was carried out by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Marciano Norman, at Plaza Mandiri, South Jakarta, on Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Budisatrio in his speech said that he and the new management are ready to advance Indonesian basketball and will work as well as possible for important agendas during the next four years.
"Hopefully the newly appointed PP Perbasi central manager can carry out his duties as well as possible with a full sense of responsibility and full of love for the country," Budi said in his remarks.
PP Perbasi immediately held a national working meeting with all regional representatives from all over Indonesia after the inauguration. The agenda will formulate various policies that have been planned and are ready to be implemented.
Budi explained that several important agendas that will be of concern for the advancement of Indonesian basketball are competition, coaching, human resources, as well as preparation for national and international competitions.
"Of course we have targets for achievement considering the many competitions we will be attending in the near future."
"However, what is no less important is the plan for the progress of basketball and the long-term future," he said.
One of the closest agendas that Perbasi will face is the 2025 SEA Games which will take place on 7-19 December 2025. The event will take place in three major cities of Thailand, namely Bangkok, Chonburi, and Songkhla.
At the event, the Indonesian Women's Basketball National Team was present as the defending champion after winning a gold medal at the 2023 Cambodian SEA Games. This achievement followed in the footsteps of the men's team in the previous edition in Vietnam.
Budi said that the 2025 SEA Games would certainly not escape the agenda of the new management. The effort that can be done is to try to secure the services of heritage players in order to strengthen the Indonesian Basketball National Team.
"We have monitored several others. About five-six players who come from or now are in friendly countries such as the United States."
"We are trying to try this again to be able to help Indonesian heritage players," said Budi.
Budi sat in the position of General Chairperson of PP Perbasi after being elected by acclamation at the Perbasi National Conference (Munas) in October 2024. He replaced the previous chairman of Danny Kosasih.
The Composition Of PP Perbasi Management 2024-2028
Board Of Trustees
Honorary Council
General Chairperson
Gerardus Budisatrio Dwijandono
Deputy General Chair - Organization
Ardima Rama Putra
Deputy General Chair - Competition and Guidance
Azrul Ananda
Deputy General Chair - HR
Christopher Tanuwidjaja
Deputy General Chairperson Of Zone
Secretary General
Nirmala Dewi
Deputy Secretary General
General Treasurer
Cyrus Harsaningtyas
Deputy General Treasurer
National Team Agency
Chairman - Syailendra S. Bakrie Deputy Chair - Todotua Pasaribu
Legal, Ethics and Disciplinary Body
Fritz Edward Siregar
The Marketing and Communication Agency
Chairman - Andiko Ardi Purnomo Deputy Chairman - Yudha Permana
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