JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo appreciated the implementation of strict health protocols in the 2021 Menpora Cup pre-season. The President said he was satisfied with the football competition which had entered the top four.

Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali said President Jokowi was monitoring the Menpora Cup via television. Minister Amali discovered this when he met the President at the State Palace, Wednesday, April 14.

"The president watches the matches (Menpora Cup, red). When I reported him, he said, "Yes, I also saw it on TV matches", said Minister Amali imitating the President's words quoted from a written statement, Thursday, April 15.

According to Minister Amali, Jokowi is very happy because the Indonesian football-loving community adheres to the health protocol rules by watching from home, not arriving in droves to the stadium.

"He appreciates how fans, club lovers, and supporters are very obedient to the appeal not to come to the stadium, not to watch together, and so on", he said.

Seeing the success of the Menpora Cup, President Jokowi gave direction to Minister Amali to study and analyze the possibility of limited audiences when League 1 and League 2 were rolled out after Eid.

"Mr. President asked us to make studies, analyzes. He told me to try to study it and we will also see the acceleration of this vaccination. Of course, we did that and he gave me directions to communicate with the organizers, in this case, PSSI (Indonesian Football Association) and LIB (PT Liga Indonesia Baru)", said the Minister.

Even though he had the blessing of Jokowi, Minister Amali still ensured that his party would not be reckless in issuing decisions regarding the possibility of limited audiences. So that the Police can permit the crowd like the Menpora Cup.

"The president has opened up that opportunity. So studying is not permitting, of course, I have to communicate with security administrators for this", he said.

Minister of Youth and Sports added, apart from implementing strict health protocols, all players and those involved in the Menpora Cup have also undergone vaccinations. This is the first step in preparation for the competition.

However, the Minister of Youth and Sports does not yet know whether the President took the time to watch the Menpora Cup 2021 final. But for sure, President Jokowi continues to support the recovery of sports activities in the country.

"I have not been able to confirm whether he is present in the field or not, because we have to understand that he is very busy. If he is coming, we will prepare it", concluded Minister Amali.

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