Jakarta The naturalization process of three football players, Kevin Diks Bakarbessy, Estella Loupatty, and Noa Leatomu, received public attention regarding the domicile addresses registered in the Family Card (KK) and Identity Card (KTP). The three players who are expected to strengthen the Indonesian National Team are registered in a rented house in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta.
Indonesia Peduli Olahraga (IPO) assesses that this condition does not humanize the naturalization players, even likens them to household workers, security guards, or drivers who often use similar domicile addresses in order to meet the requirements of population administration. The head of the IPO, Ary Soedarsono, expressed his concern and asked PSSI to improve this in order to appreciate the services of the players.
"At least, the naturalized player was put into the Family Card of the PSSI General Chair, Erick Thohir, so there was no controversy and discrimination of his population status," said Ary.
This fact, according to the IPO, is very concerning. Because through the search and Investigation of Indonesia Cares for Sports (IPO), the house which is used as the address of the Dutch men's and women's soccer players who are members of the Indonesian national team, their population status is in the alley after walking along Kelurahan I Street in Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta. At the house number 11 RT 001/RW 004, all three were included in the Family Card and had ID cards as Indonesian Citizens (WNI).
However, a member of the Exco PSSI, Arya Sinulingga, emphasized that the entire naturalization process had been carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. "Nothing has been violated in all existing processes," said Arya when asked for confirmation by VOI.
In this naturalization process, the legal basis used is Article 20 of Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia. This article allows the granting of citizenship to foreigners who are meritorious or necessary for the benefit of the state, with the approval of the President and the considerations of the DPR.
The three players officially became Indonesian citizens (WNI) after the DPR approved their naturalization at the plenary meeting on November 5, 2024. The ratification of citizenship was carried out by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through a citizenship oath ceremony at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 8, 2024.
Regarding the use of a rented address in East Jakarta, Arya Sinulingga explained that this was an administrative step that was allowed and did not conflict with the rules. This is just an administrative matter. No rules are violated, and this process is in accordance with existing mechanisms," he added.
PSSI juga menegaskan komitmennya untuk terus memberikan perhatian dan dukungan kepada para pemain naturalisasi yang telah berkomitmen membela Tim Nasional Indonesia. Proses administrasi kependudukaan mereka telah melalui mekanisme yang sah dan diakui oleh instansi terkait.
Meanwhile, the public is expected to understand the context of this administrative process proportionally. PSSI and related parties are expected to continue to work together to ensure that all administrative processes and support for naturalized players run well and transparently.
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