JAKARTA Budisatrio Dwijandono was officially elected as General Chairperson of the Central Board of the Indonesian Basketball Association (PP Perbasi) for the 2024-2028 term of service.

Budi, who came forward as a single candidate, went up to the top of the acclamation federation at the PP Perbasi National Conference (Munas) which took place at the Mercure Hotel, Kemayoran, Jakarta, on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

In the stock exchange for the future chairman of Perbasi for the year, Budi received support from 29 Perbasi Provincial Management (Pengprov) out of a total of 32 active Provincial Pengprov. This number has exceeded the minimum requirements for support of 15 Pengrov.

Budi's position as the sole candidate made all voting rights owners agree verbally to place Budi as the new General Chair of PP Perbasi.

"We, the chair of the trial, by saying, bismillahirrahmanirrahim legally Mr. Budisatrio Djiwandono has officially become the General Chair of Perbasi for the 2024-2028 Period," said the head of the Perbasi PP National Conference.

Budisatrio himself is not a new person in the basketball world. He is noted to have had a lot of experience so he is right to fill the position.

The 42-year-old figure had previously been the General Treasurer of PP Perbasi under the management of the late Danny Kosasih in 2014-2016. In addition, he also served as Secretary General of Perbasi in 2016-2018.

Budisatrio was also trusted as the Organizing Committee for the 2023 FIBA World Cup in Indonesia. At that time, Indonesia was the host with Japan and the Philippines.

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