JAKARTA - Los Angeles police said investigators had identified the cause of the accident that left Tiger Woods badly injured but did not release further details due to concerns about the golf star's privacy.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said investigations into the single accident on February 23, which left Woods seriously injured to his right leg, had now been completed.

However, Villanueva said no information on the cause of the crash would be released unless Woods gave up his privacy rights.

"The cause has been determined, the investigation is complete", Villanueva said.

"However, we have contacted Tiger Woods and his team. There were some privacy concerns when releasing information in the investigation, and we will ask them if they waived that privacy".

"Then we will be able to fully release all the information regarding the accident", Villanueva added.

Woods was seriously injured when his SUV was knocked off the highway and overturned several times in a crash at Ranchos Palos Verdes.

The 15-time premier golf tournament champion, 45, then underwent hours of surgery to repair his crushed right lower leg and ankle, including inserting a pen into the tibia and screws and pins to stabilize the joint.

Woods left the hospital in early March and is currently recovering at his home in Florida.

Earlier, investigators said Woods was exempt from the reckless driving charges that caused the accident, describing the incident as "purely an accident" and saying there was no evidence.

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