JAKARTA - The official Twitter account of the World Badminton Federation (BWF) has become a hot topic for Indonesian citizens. Known to be militants, Indonesian citizens continue to attack the BWF Twitter account, which is currently reporting on All England 2021.
The Indonesian team was forced to withdraw from All England 2021 because of a plane with an anonymous passenger who tested positive for COVID-19. According to British government regulations, if you are on the same plane as a person who is positive for COVID-19, you are required to undergo isolation for 10 days.
It is known, four Garuda representatives have played their first match and won. Men's singles fifth seed Jonatan Christie beat Thai Kunlavut Vitidsarn 21-13, 24-22.
Then, the men's doubles first seed Marcus Fernaldi Gideon-Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo aka The Minions won the rubber game 21-12, 19-21, 21-9 against the host pair Matthew Clare-Ethan Van Leeuwen.
Then, the second seed Mohammad Ahsan-Hendra Setiawan's men's doubles also won over Ben Lane-Sean Vendy in a rubber game with a score of 21-18, 19-21, 21-19.
Meanwhile, the women's doubles seeded third Greysia Polii-Apriyani Rahayu won after their opponents, the German pair Kilasu Ostermeyer-Franziska Volkmann was withdrawn.
Indonesia is also inflamed. Netizens constantly voice the injustice that the best athletes in the country receive who cannot participate in the oldest badminton tournament.
Starting from #shameonyou # stopallengland2021 # allaengland2021unfair and #badmintonworstfederation cramming the comments column of every post on Twitter BWF.
However, there was one upload that caught the eye. The @ngajiHyung account wrote: "Report the account, guys. Kadung. Overthrow BWF".
- Привет Раиэа - Ngaji Hyung (@NgajiHyung) March 20, 2021.
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