YOGYAKARTA - What is collapse? Recognize this body's signal to avoid collapse during exercise. Let's find out the characteristics of the heart collapse during exercise.

The collapse of Christian Eriksen in the middle of the Euro 2020 match between Denmark and Finland sparked a lot of public attention. The Inter Milan player immediately fell unconscious.

The incident had made other players panic. Moreover, the match was held at Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark, Saturday (12/6/2021) night Wib, had been temporarily suspended.

What Is A Collapsed Heart?

In Indonesian, Kolaps according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is fainting. On the other hand, the other meaning of collapse is falling.

Collapsed during sports is often the case. This is because the body is exhausted in carrying out sports activities.

Although exercising is also useful for practicing the role of the heart. But on the other hand, exercise can be a factor for heart attacks or other deadly cardiovascular disorders.

Especially for those who do have risk factors, whether they are realized or not. So when exercising, it is also necessary to measure the intensity and strength of the body.

It is also recommended to carry out regular check-ups so that they can find out unexpected possibilities.

In many cases, heart damage and blood circulation systems are not always easy to observe without medical checks. It is important to always recognize physical limits and always listen to body signs.

So that exercise can increase body resistance, not the other way around. Launching from Healthline, here are some signs that are very likely to show before the heart collapses.

1. Susak Chest

Some experts recommend being aware of intense chest pain. Because many heart attack problems started with this complaint.

But not always, sometimes the intensity of the pain experienced is not so large that it is often ignored. Complaints of pain or shortness of breath in the chest during a heart attack do not always last long and continuously.

Some people experience them getting lost. Whatever stimulates discomfort in the chest, especially when exercising, should not be underestimated.

2. Poasibility

Unusual breath is very likely caused by the very high intensity of exercise. Because the body needs more oxygen.

This is a signal to quickly reduce intensity, because it will burden the heart if it continues. Low oxygen supply makes the heart work harder.

Shortness of breath that takes place because heart problems can be accompanied by chest pain, or not. It's better to look for it to be safe. Cold sweat and fire in the eyes also illustrate signs of fatigue heart.

3. Dizzy Or Berhitung-hit

Exercise will certainly trigger fatigue, at some point it will make a person feel dizzy and flight attendants.

But if these complaints appear when they no longer carry out high-intensity exercise. So the possibility of heart problems really needs to be watched out for.

4. Indigenous Pulse

Suddenly the heart feels excited, or the pulse is abnormal, an important signal that should not be ignored. Immediately stop exercising, and undergo the necessary medical checks.

A heart rate that is not as usual shows something is wrong.

5. Pain in other parts of the body

Pain that accompanies heart attacks is not always experienced in the chest. Often, a feeling of pain also arises in the arms, back, and even stomach.

In some cases, pain radiates from the chest and then collaborates to other parts of the body.

6. Unnatural sweat

That said, if you don't sweat, you mean you're not exercising. Sweat is a mechanism for the body to cool off, so it's very normal if it occurs during exercise.

But if you sweat out, it is cold sweat, and it appears excessive even though you are just doing light movements. So you must be aware of the possibility of your heart running low.

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So after knowing the heart collapses during sports, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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