TANJUNG SELOR - For the first time, athletes from the North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Kicboxing Sports Branch (Caltara) will send their athletes at the XXI National Sports Week (PON) in Medan and Aceh in 2024.

Chairman of the Provincial Management (Pengprov) Kickboxing Kaltara, Cheito Karno revealed that the three athletes who will compete in the 2024 PON, namely Joshua Togatorop, the 51 kilogram (kg) men's low kick category, Salma Lutfiah and Salwa Khairiah in the creative form or team category.

"Of the 9 athletes we sent, three passed the 2024 PON after Pra PON in Bogor, West Java (West Java) on October 21 to 25, 2023. Two coaches, namely Wahyu Rhamadhansya and Risky Albert, continued to accompany our athletes," said the man who is familiarly called Ase, Wednesday, December 20.

Ase said that the training camp for the three athletes from Bulungan was still waiting for the direction of KONI Kaltara.

"Meanwhile, the training is carried out independently in Tanjung Selor, while waiting for the direction of KONI Kaltara," said Ase.

In addition, Ase continued, Pengprov will prepare physical trainers, technical trainers and nutritionists. So it is hoped that through the training camp, Kaltara Kickboxing can add medals for the kickboxing sports contingent from KONI Kaltara.

"The Kicboxing sport was only formed in Kaltara in 2021, although it is still only in Kaltara there are quite a lot of enthusiasts. This achievement in Pre-PON Bogor is a manifestation of our seriousness in improving sports achievements in Kaltara," he concluded.

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