5 Sports To Get Rid Of Bungkuk So That Posture Returns To Normal
Olahraga untuk melangkah kuat (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - The bow body is a posture problem experienced by not a few people. If you have a curved back, you have some treatment to overcome it or return it to normal posture. You can undergo a number of sports to get rid of your bow.

Postur tubuh puat banyak dikeluhan karena cukup mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Selain itu, kondisi ini juga bisa berdampak negatif pada kesehatan tubuh. Orang yang memiliki postur puat pun tidak percaya karena terlihat kurang manusia dan tidak tertuk. Lantas apa saja olahraga untuk menghilangkan puat yang bisa Anda lakukan?

Body posture greatly affects physical strength, balance of activity, and appearance. In addition, bowing is also easier to feel sore and prone to injury when carrying out certain activities.

People who have a bow posture are advised to do exercise or physical exercise. Here are some sports to remove bows that you can apply:

Table poses are effective enough to cope with bow postures as this movement can stretch the spine. In addition, the tin pose movement also makes the shoulders and neck more relaxed.

Here are the steps to perform a table pose that you can practice:

Forwardfold is a movement that can relieve tensions in the spine, hips, buttocks, thighs, and legs. These body parts have an important role in maintaining an ideal posture.

To do a forwardfold, here are the steps you can follow:

High plank is a movement that really helps relieve pain while strengthening the muscles of the shoulders, buttocks, stomach, and back thighs. This movement is highly recommended for those of you who want to improve your body posture.

To carry out high-plank movements, practice the following steps:

Another sport that is useful for improving posture is the child's pose movement. This movement can lengthen the spine, hips, and rear thighs. Child's pose can help the muscles of the back and neck of the bottom become more relaxed.

Here are the steps you can take for the child's pose movement:

Downward forcing dogs is also one of the movements to overcome the bowing body. This movement can help straighten the back muscles to relieve back pain.

The following are steps to carry out the downward fatigue dog movement:

Those are the recommendations of a number of sports to remove the bow that you can live. Success in improving your posture really depends on consistency and discipline in doing regular exercise.

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