YOGYAKARTA Don't underestimate the morning exercise before leaving for work. Although light and short, short exercise before leaving for work will have a positive effect on health and body.

There is no reason not to exercise before leaving for the office because there are many movements that can be done with a minimum duration of 30 minutes.

For exercise before going to the office, you can wake up an hour early before preparation. After that, do some exercise below with a regular duration of 30 minutes.

No need to make movements that are too heavy and drain energy, just stretch for 30 minutes before getting ready to go to the office. Stretches made after waking up will help maintain the flexibility of the body as well as blood circulation.

There are many examples of stretching movements available on the internet. What must be considered is stretching regularity. It is also recommended to stretch from head, hands, to feet.

You can have a barbell at home weighing 1kg or 2 kg. Lifting a barbell can be done anywhere so you don't have to leave the house when doing this sport. Before leaving for your office you can lift the barbell and combine it with other movements.

Lifting the barbell regularly will increase muscle strength and burn calories. It is recommended to have a barbell with varying weight so that exercise can be maximized.

Pushup and situation are practical sports. You don't even need additional tools like other sports. This sport will help you burn the fat in your body. In addition, pushups and situs will help shape muscles in your body.

If you're tired of doing sports in the house, you can try shaking. No need to travel too far, just shake around your house or residential complex. Set an alarm on your watch for 30 minutes to limit the duration. This is done so that the Time is not too long so you can keep going to the office without being late.

These two tools are also very practical to use. In fact, you can still exercise even if the weather is rainy or because of other conditions that do not allow you to leave the house. In addition, you can exercise more freely in the house.

The recommended duration is a maximum of 30 minutes every day. Don't force your body to sweat too much because if you are too tired of exercise, it is feared that you will not have the energy to complete work in the office.

Jumping or jumping rope is a practical and cheap cardio. Even this sport can be done inside the house. The movement that is done is to jump regularly. Skipping will help you maintain lung health and increase your breath capacity. This sport can also increase your height as long as it is done correctly and regularly.

That's information related to sports morning before leaving for work. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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