Can Sports Be Sports During Haid? This Is The Answer
Yoga illustration, exercise that can be done during menstruation (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA Exercise during menstruation is indeed a tough challenge. Apart from uncomfortable body conditions, many still think that exercise during menstruation has a certain health impact.

During menstruation, the condition of the body will be more easily tired, the stomach is less comfortable, headaches, and back pain. However, the symptoms of menstruation felt by each woman are certainly not the same. There are also those who during menstruation the pain that appears not too great so that activities can still be carried out smoothly. Then, allow exercise during menstruation?

Quoted from AI Care, exercise during menstruation is generally allowed. Although it is not prohibited, certain limits are applied to the type of exercise, duration, and volume of safe exercise and need to be considered during menstruation.

Excessive exercise during menstruation has the potential to increase pain all over the body, affect menstrual periods to trigger menstruation delays. On the other hand, exercise during menstruation also has many benefits, namely as follows.

As previously said, not all exercise can be done during menstruation. Some sports that are allowed and recommended when menstruating are as follows.

Women who are menstruating may do light cardio such as walking or aerobics with a shorter duration than normal days usually. Mild cardio that is done during menstruation will help improve lung performance and increase body stamina.

One of the benefits of yoga is to help the body relax more and help reduce symptoms arising from menstruation ranging from cramps or pain. There are even some yoga movements to promote menstruation.

It is still recommended to stretch so that the muscles are not tense and remain relaxed. Stretching during menstruation also helps promote blood circulation and the body will be more comfortable.

Not all exercise can be done during menstruation. Examples of some of these sports are as follows.

During menstruation, it is recommended to stop exercise with great pressure and muscle work such as football, volleyball, self-defense, and so on. The reason is, during menstruation, muscle ligament and joints will be softer and looser. When forced for exercise, it is feared that there will be a fatal injury.

This exercise can actually be done when menstrual blood is no longer heavy. However, it would be better to temporarily avoid it to anticipate potential hazards if suddenly stomach cramps occur. When that happens, you will feel shortness of breath and difficulty moving which is feared to be the cause of drowning.

Avoid exercise that involves a heavy burden because it will trigger blockages in the stomach blood vessels to trigger cramps. Lifting the load will also force the muscles to work hard, it is feared that there will be injuries.

If you plan to do exercise during menstruation, there are several things you need to pay attention to. Here are tips for exercise during menstruation.

That's information related to exercise during menstruation. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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