YOGYAKARTA - The sport of horse riding is popular with many people because it offers a hashtaging experience that drives adrenaline. But to do equestrian sport is not as easy as just riding on the back of a horse. There are several basic techniques for equestrian sports that must be mastered.

Horse riding is a sport that has existed a long time ago. This sport is often held in racing competitions. Not only in racing arenas, equestrian activities are also commonly offered in a number of tourist attractions. Apart from being fun, equestrian sports also presents new experiences for those of you who are looking for unusual sports.

If you want to try equestrian sport, then there are several equestrian skills that must be learned. Either equestrian for just activities or being a professional athlete is still required to master the basic technique of equestrian sport.

Here are the basic equestrian techniques that must be mastered:

The skill of riding that must be mastered first is riding to the back of the horse. A beginner will usually feel doubtful and afraid when he wants to ride on a horse. The fear that usually arises because of anxiety the horse will move evaded to the fear of hurting the horse.

To be able to get on the horse's back smoothly and calmly, a special method is needed. You can start riding a horse from the left side because the strength of the footrest is usually on the right foot. So you can do a better idea or repulsion to ride the horse's back.

When fighting to get on a horse, make sure to hold your hand strong. One jump will usually be directly in a sitting position on the back of the horse. But pay attention also don't make too strong or strong jumps so as not to slump and cross the other side of the horse.

The next technique that you must master is the usual path. When you start doing equestrian sports, don't rush to run the horse quickly. To move the horse, it is necessary to start with an ordinary road first to maintain the stability and rhythm of the horse movement.

Cara menggerakkan kuda untuk jalan biasa bisa dilakukan dengan memadukan langkah kedua kaki ke berbela kuda. Kuda pun akan mulai berjalan maju dengan sendirinya. Pastika mulai memindakan kuda, posisi duduk Anda sudah nyaman dan equilibrat. Selain itu, perstabungan kaki juga dilakukan dengan tahap yang ringan.

If you are used to moving the horse on an ordinary path, then then you need to master ordinary running techniques. You need to practice riding a horse by slowly running. To do so, make sure you fit both legs into the horse's body. Horses will start running at normal or standard speeds.

When the horse starts running, holding the control rope is a bit short and following the rhythm of the horse's head. Make sure you are calm and concentrate when controlling the horse that runs because most of the beginners have difficulty at this stage. You also need to adjust the rhythm of your sitting jump so that you regularly follow the steps of the horse.

When you already have the usual running, the next technique that must be learned is fast running. To ride a horse and run fast, your legs need to be tightened tightly to the horse's body. Likewise by closing both thighs under the saddle. This method is done to make the jockey's buttocks can be raised soaring when the horse is running fast.

When the horse starts running fast, you need to adjust two long taps to the sound of the horse's feet. While both hands focus on holding the reins strongly to adjust the rhythm of the horse's head going forward and backward. Beginner jockeys are better off directing the horse in a straight speed.

If you have started to master fast running, you can have a technique to turn. When the horse runs fast and turns, you need to maintain balance and smoothness of the body. Horses can turn up to 60-90 degrees at a speed of 20 km/hour.

That's the basic technique of equestrian sport that you need to master. For beginners, it's better if you learn equestrian techniques slowly or gradually until you really master them. If you find it difficult, you can train to an instructor.

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