JAKARTA - Zainudin Amali officially submitted a letter of resignation as Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) on Thursday, March 9. The letter has been submitted to the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno because President Joko Widodo is on a working visit out of town.

When met by reporters, Zainudin also expressed his hope regarding his replacement later. He also entrusted the Great Design of National Sports (DBON) as a "heritage" that the new Menpora could continue.

"Especially in the field of sports, we have Presidential Decree No. 86/2021 and the Sports Law, that must be encouraged immediately, for example, laws need derivatives, PP (Government Regulations) and so on, it must be," said Zainudin, as quoted from Antara.

"Then for the Great Design of National Sports because this is already running, it must be encouraged, triggered again for its implementation because from the start we agreed that this was not just a presidential regulation on paper, but it must be implemented. That's why the chairman of the Vice President directly, members of the ministers, in the province there are governors then mayors, that's all that's done," explained Amali.

In addition, Amali also reminded a number of "multievents" activities that will take place, namely the SEA Games in Cambodia and the Asian Games in China in 2023 and the Olympics in Paris, France in 2024.

"These jobs are being worked on. We have had a meeting with the 'tim review', maybe we will lose a lot of medals because many sports when we became overall champions at (SEA Games) Vietnam were not played (this year), so a replacement must be sought," added Amali.

However, he explained that the government did not make the SEA Games the target of national sports achievements.

"I also continue to provide support as long as the Menpora (hereafter) ask for input or invite discussions, I will definitely help because I was emotionally involved from the start about DBON and Law No. 11 on Sports. I am also still in the same environment," said Amali.

On February 20, Menpora Zainudin Amali said President Jokowi had allowed him to focus and concentrate on managing national football after being elected as Deputy General Chair of PSSI.

However, because he had not officially received Amali's resignation letter, President Jokowi had not yet decided on the name of Amali's replacement.

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