JAKARTA Indonesian men's doubles Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto are predicted to be ranked first in the world BWF starting next week.

Currently, the couple is still ranked second in the world. However, following BWF's two last-ranked disbursements, they are confirmed to be the new number one in the men's doubles.

"Let's welcome the new world number one pair," wrote the Badminton Talk account on Instagram, quoted on Thursday, December 22, 2022.

"Congratulations to Fajar/Rian who reached the highest ranking in their career next week, namely world number 1," continued the upload.

The disbursement of the rankings removed several tournaments with big points, namely the Indonesia Masters (Super 500), Indonesia Open (Super 1000), and BWF World Tour Finals 2021.

Thus, Fajar/Rian automatically rose to the top position of shifting the Takuro Hoki/Yugo Kobayashi pair. This Japanese pair is the champion of the Indonesia Masters 2021 and the runner-up at the Indonesia Open in the same year.

Fajar/Rian took the top spot thanks to their impressive performance throughout 2022. They won a total of four titles, namely the Swiss Open, Indonesia Masters, Malaysia Masters, and the Denmark Masters.

Fajar/Rian is one of two Indonesian couples who are currently filling the top five. In the fourth position is veteran pair Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan.

Meanwhile, the injury problem of Marcus Fernaldi Gideon forced him and his partner Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo to jump freely on the list. The pair nicknamed The Minions are currently ranked eighth in the world.

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