YOGYAKARTA - The dirt Motor Championship Uncle Hard Enduro will be held at Kiranim Park, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, on November 25-27, 2022. H Sahbirin Noor, the Governor of South Kalimantan, opened the event and participated in the competition.

The Governor of South Kalimantan participated in pulling the gas on his favorite trail motorcycle number 08. He hopes that such an event can become an annual routine agenda. The Even Uncle Hard Enduro of South Kalimantan 2022 was attended by several world riders and as many as 1,500 national riders from various regions in Indonesia.

This series of international level trail events does not only contain racing competitions. but also accompanied by music concert entertainment from Iwan Fals on Saturday night (26/11). The Governor of South Kalimantan expressed his gratitude to all parties who supported the implementation of the event.

World Rider at Uncle Hard Enduro 2022

The 2022 Uncle Hard Enduro trail championship was attended by world riders, including sangur Young from South Africa, Graham Jarvis from England, Teodor Kabachiev from Bulgaria, Dakoda menjadi dari Australia, Turba dari Mongolia, Sony Goggia dari Italia. The foreign riders who attended Uncle Hard Enduro participated in international class competitions.

Local Rider at Uncle Hard Enduro 2022

Local and national class riders act on a track about 20 kilometers in the Kiram Park Tourism Object area of South Kalimantan. While the adventure class has a track of about 50 kilometers. The riders must navigate valleys and mountains as well as rivers and rock forests.

Uncle Hard Enduro 2022 Winners' Results

Two international, national, and local class races at the 2022 Uncle Hard Enduro event have finished the match on Saturday (26/11). The two races are Prologue and Race One. While Race Two will be held on Sunday (27/11).

The Governor of South Kalimantan rode his favorite motorbike following two races which was held on Saturday. He performed twice, namely the first Race Prologue and the second was Race One.

Haris Race International Prologue 6 Lap won byatur Rudolf in first place. The Australian driver wore a motorcycle number 27. The second rank was won by Mario Riman number 74 from Spain. While the third position was occupied by Alfredo Gomes number 89 from Spain.

The National Prologue Race was won by Adi Sucipto in first place. The driver from Banjarmasin uses a motorcycle number 26. Adi is one of the riders of the HSI Enduro team. The second rank was obtained by Danang. The rider from Yogyakarta rode a motorcycle number 11. While third place was successfully occupied by rider M Ridho from Banjarbaru.

The Local Prologue class was won by Boryl in first place. The second rank was won by Agus Pardy number 92 from Kandangan from the HAF 7177 team. The third position is occupied by the rider from Samarinda with number 29.

Race One international won by Bulgarian rider Teodor Kabachiev with the number 23. The second position was occupied by Alfredo Gomes from Spain number 89. While third place was occupied by a British rider named Graham Jarvis with number 1.

Meanwhile, Race one National class, Adi Sucipto also occupied the first position with the number 26 motorbike from Banjarmasin from the HSI Enduro team. The second position is occupied by Dimas Fathur, the number 82 participant from Banjarmasin from the gang, while the third position is occupied by M Ridho, participant number 88 from Banjarbaru from the Trail gang.

Lastly, Race One Local Results. The first position is occupied by Boryl number 191 from Kandangan from the HAF 7177 team. The second position is occupied by number 92 Agus Pardy from Kandangan from the HAF 7177 team and the third position is occupied number 43 in the name of Ahmad Regi Oktafian from Banjarmasin from Bunyamin Adventure.

Those are the results of two races in the international trail event Uncle Hard Enduro 2022 which was held in South Kalimantan. The Governor of South Kalimantan was involved in this event with enthusiasm and hopes that it will be an activity that will continue every year.

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