How To Do Pull Up To Get Your Hands Off, Get Your Hands Off, And Shoulders
Illustration of pull-up training muscles (Unsplash/@anastasemaragos)

YOGYAKARTA - Sports pull up trains the upper muscles. The pull-up movement technique is simple enough that it can be done by anyone, both men and women or adults and children. Not only strengthening muscles, but the routine pull-up movement is also useful for maintaining health and physical fitness.

Pull-up exercise can be done at home, without the need to go to the gym. You just have to look for a transverse pole or a higher handle than your head that is strongly focused. If in the gym this pole is called pull-up bar.

Pull up is a sport that is useful for increasing the strength of the hand and back muscles. Although it seems simple, you need to know the right technique so that your muscles form quickly and optimally.

Before starting to pull up movement, make sure the pole is really strong. Do not let the pole be unable to lift your body's burden because it can cause you to fall and injury. The position of the pull up pole must also be higher than your head so that you can do hanging movements.

Here's how to do the right pull-up movement:

First, stand under the focus and take your breath. Open your legs as wide as your shoulders. Hold the pull up pole and hold it tightly. Make sure your palm is facing forward. Then lift your body up slowly until your chest approaches the grip.

When lifting your body, bend your knees and position your ankle cross to maintain balance. Hold your body above for a few seconds. Then lower your body down and straighten your legs back to its original position. When down, keep your muscle strength so that you can step down slowly and controllably. Repeat the movement for several times while adjusting your breath.

Pull up exercise is not only useful for increasing hand and back muscles. This exercise is also beneficial for body health and mental health.

The pull-up exercise trains the upper muscles the same as back-up movements. Your shoulders, arms, and back will work while doing pull-up movements. The stimulated back muscles range from the upper back muscle to the lower muscles of the backbone and armpits. The shoulder muscles formed start from the back of the back to the neck.

The pull-up movement also trains your hand held. When you do a movement to lift your body, your hands will immediately work strongly. That way the strength of your fingers and palms will form. The grip strength of your hands is very useful for daily activities such as lifting gallons, playing guitar, lifting wood, opening jar caps, and supporting sports: badminton, rock climbing, golf, and so on.

Just like other sports in general, the pull-up movement that is carried out regularly is also beneficial for your body's health. The pull-up movement can improve heart health, maintain bone health, reduce belly fat, and reduce back pain.

Not only beneficial for physical health, pull up can also maintain mental health. A study shows that strength or muscle exercise can reduce mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety symptoms, reduce fatigue of the mind. In addition, this sport is also useful for cognitive functions, ranging from increasing memory to sharpening focus or attention.

That's the right way to do pull-up movements to train your hand and back muscles. Pull-up can be a sports choice for those of you who want to exercise from home. The benefits of pull-up will be even more pronounced if done regularly.

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