YOGYAKARTA - There is a category or division of class in professional boxing. Boxing is a martial arts sport that is quite popular and has many fans. Many boxing lovers already know that class division in boxing is distinguished based on the weight of their fighters.
Initially, the class in professional boxing was divided into 8 classes, namely heavyweight, Light Weight, Mediumweight, Welter Class, Lightweight, Bulu class, Bantam Class, and Flying Class.
Currently, professional boxing has 17 classes, from the lightest class to the heavyweight class. However, the naming of classes by boxing bodies is not all uniform. For example, some use the term 'junior' name and some use the mention'super'.
The following is the division of classes in professional boxing from the toughest class to the lightest class.
Above 90.719 kilograms Heavyweight (unlimited)
90.719 kilograms, Cruiserweight 200 lbs
79,379 kilograms, Light heavyweight/Junior heavyweight 175 lbs
76,204 kilograms, 168 lbs Super middleweightweight
72.575 kilograms, Middleweight 160 lbs
69,853 kilograms, Junior middleweight/Super welterweight 154 lbs
66,678 kilograms, Welterweight 147 lbs
63,503 kilograms, Junior welterweight/Super lightweight 140 lbs
61,235 kilograms, Lightweight 135 lbs
58,967 kilograms, Junior lightweight/Super fewerweight 130 lbs
57,153 kilograms, 126 lbs left
55.338 kilograms, Junior fewerweight/Super bantamweight 122 lbs
53,524 kilograms, 118 lbs Bantamweight
52,163 kilograms, Junior bantamweight/Super flyweight 115 lbs
50.802 kilograms, Flyweight 112 lbs
48,988 kilograms, Light flyweight/Junior flyweight 108 lbs
47.627 kilograms, Mini flyweight/Minimuweight 105 lbs
That is the division of classes in professional boxing. Fighters will be distinguished or categorized based on their weight in accordance with the provisions of each class.
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