JAKARTA - Maria Sole Ferrieri is the first female referee to lead Serie A. She will make her debut this week in Sassuolo's match against Salernitana, Sunday, October 2.

The 32-year-old female referee first joined the referee association in 2007. But she just did her professional job in 2015 to lead the Serie D match.

Last year when Cagliari faced Cittadella at the Coppa Italia, Ferrieri was also trusted to be the leader of the game. That moment became history for him even though he was not the main referee.

That opportunity made Ferrieri move up class and trusted to lead the top caste game, Serie A. Ferrieri officially became a member of the Serie A referee last July, but he has not yet been on duty for seven weeks.

In week 8 of Serie A, the opportunity for Ferrieri has finally come. Ferrieri will be tasked with leading the Sassuolo vs Salernitana match at Mapei Stadium.

He is ready to write history in Italian football.

"This will be a historic moment," said Italian Referee Association (AIA) President Alfredo Trentalange as quoted by Football Italia.

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