JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali directly opened the 2022 MTB Eliminator World Cup UCI Bike Championship which was held in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. On that occasion, the Minister of Youth and Sports appreciated all ranks involved in the event. The Minister of Youth and Sports also gave this appreciation because Palangka Raya City dared to get involved in cycling that was included in the DBON. “It's amazing, we appreciate and are grateful for the courage of the Governor and all the governments of Central Kalimantan. Moreover, the Governor is the chairman of the Central Kalimantan ISSI. So this is not just a national championship, but an international championship and is immediately held in the city of Palangka Raya,” open Menpora at Tuah Pahoe Stadium, where the event will be held on Sunday, August 28 afternoon Indonesian Western Time (WIB). <quo;Especially for bicycles, because this is included as a sport in DBON and the special is specifically for MTB. So amazing and thank you, Mr. Governor, I didn't expect it because as soon as I saw it and this was amazing, I was surprised earlier, ” he said. In addition to appreciating the ranks and figures in Palangka Raya for holding the 2022 MTB Eliminator World Cup UCI Bike Championship, the Minister of Youth and Sports also expressed his gratitude to Kristoff Bruyneel as CEO. He also hopes that in the future Indonesia can get another chance at another time. “ And of course we thank the CEO of UCI MTB, Kristoff Bruyneel for choosing Indonesia, especially Palangka Raya,” “Hopefully for the next time Indonesia will be the main and first choice,”saidnya. Indonesia, especially Palangka Raya, is the city chosen for the 8th series from next to the series held this season. On this occasion there were 34 riders in the men's number and 18 in the women's number from 33 countries.

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