YOGYAKARTA Foot muscle exercises are very important to do because they can support daily activities such as walking, running and climbing stairs. In addition, strong leg muscles can make you walk more upright and stand firm.

However, not a few people forget to train their leg muscles when exercising because they are more focused on reducing the stomach muscles and tightening the arms.

So, so that your leg muscles are always healthy and strong, there are some leg muscle exercises that are easy to practice at home. Anything?

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are some leg muscle exercises to maintain stability, endurance, increase speed, and smooth joints.

1. Jogging

Jogging or relaxing running is a practical leg muscle exercise and is very easy to do. jogging exercise can have a strengthening effect on the feet, and be effective in burning fat.

By running casually, the calf, thighs, knees, buttocks, and lower abdomen muscles can be trained optimally.

2. Calf Raise

The second leg muscle exercise is calf raise. This training can strengthen the calf muscles and improve ankle stability.

How to do a calf raise is very easy. You just stand straight, then massage and hold it for a few seconds before relaxing again. If you want to add a load, you just hold a small barbell when doing a calf raise.

3. composure

Foot muscle exercises that are also practically done at home are skipping. This sport can strengthen leg muscles and the ability to stabilize themselves. Although it looks simple, skipping is quite effective for burning calories.

4. Squat

Quoted from WebMD, squat exercises can have an effect on all lower body muscles, including leg muscles.

To do a squat, you just stand up and spread your legs to the same level as your shoulder. Then, lower your hips like a squatting position. After that, stand back up, the movement is carried out repeatedly.

5. Bridge

Bridge serves to train the hamstring leg muscles and tighten the buttocks muscles. How to do the following:

6. Up and Down

Up and down the stairs, it turns out to be one of the exercises to strengthen the leg muscles. This sport has a big impact and of course it is very easy to do.

If you don't have a ladder at your home, you can use another object that can give you a similar role.

This exercise can have an impact on the pelvic muscles, buttocks muscles, and calf. Therefore, if the practice goes up and down the stairs is carried out regularly, the strength of the legs will increase and the durability will be higher.

7. Lunges

Lunges is a foot muscle exercise similar to a squat. The difference is, the lunges is done with a bad leg position. One leg was held on the spot, and the other leg stepped forward.

Next, bring the body to the knees touching the floor, then stand straight again. To get optimal results, do this exercise repeatedly and with alternate legs.

Lunges exercises can strengthen the upper and lower leg muscles simultaneously.

Those are seven foot muscle exercises that can be done at home and are easy to practice. Good luck!

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