WBC Discusses Future Of Transgender Boxing In Upcoming Convention
Illustration (Instagram @wbc)

JAKARTA - The participation of transgender people in combat sports is a controversial issue.

It is argued that transgender women have an unfair advantage over cisgender women (individuals who identify their gender according to the sex they are born with) in competitive sports.

In addition, it may put them at risk because of sex differences in human physiology, and that these differences cannot simply be reversed by transgender hormone therapy.

Others argue that puberty blockers and medically prescribed estrogen suppress testosterone levels and reduce muscle mass in transgender women, reducing the potential for competitive advantage.

The values of the World Boxing Council (WBC) are loyalty, fairness, integrity and equality".

"We raise boxing and protect the health and well-being of all boxers above all other interests," reads a bulletin issued by the world's boxing body, quoted by Marca, Thursday.

"We are committed to protecting human rights, eliminating discrimination and helping those most in need. We believe that boxing is for everyone."

That's why the WBC announced that at the next Annual Convention, transgender boxing will be one of the main topics to be discussed.

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