JAKARTA - The German tennis player who finished second in the 2020 US Open tournament Alexander Zverev has denied allegations of violence against Olga Sharypova, who is his ex-girlfriend.

Sharypova, 23, accused Zverev of trying to smother her with a pillow and banging her head against the wall of a hotel room in New York in August 2019, shortly before the start of the US Open Grand Slam tournament. He then fled the room barefoot fearing for his safety.

Sharypova first detailed the allegations on her Instagram account on Thursday. He then reported the matter on a Russian sports news page, which was reported by Antara, Saturday.

Sharypova did not contact the police saying she still loved Zverev and did not want to cause trouble for him.

The German player denied the allegations in a post on Twitter, calling them "baseless accusations."

"We have known each other since childhood and shared many experiences together. I am very sorry that he made such a statement because the allegations were not true.

"We were in a relationship, but it has long ended. Why Olga makes such accusations now, I do not know. I really hope we both find a way to resolve it well," Zverev wrote.

On the other hand, Sharypova said that she felt the need to speak out, not only for herself but also for the benefit of other women.

"I don't want to say that he is a bad person. I'm just saying that he did bad things to me. A large number of girls suffer violence and abuse from men and don't tell their stories to anyone. Some are afraid, some just accept it, others just accept it, others. can't talk about this topic, "

"It is painful that in the 21st century we still have not come to the conclusion that women are also human beings. We must be respected, not treated like mops," concluded Sharypova.

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