JAKARTA — Badminton legend Liliyana Natsir hopes that his former mixed doubles partner Tontowi Ahmad has the opportunity to enter the Hall of Fame like him.

Liliyana was officially entered into the honorary list of the BWF Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the Istora Senayan Stadium, Jakarta, on Saturday, June 18. However, his co-star Tontowi was not on the list.

"Definitely happy. Didn't think too. I think with Tontowi [Ahmad] because I play together. But I don't know, maybe BWF will give me first and then Tontowi," said the 2016 Rio Olympic gold medalist.

"I don't know what the BWF's considerations are. Maybe Owi (Tontowi's nickname) will follow suit. That's my hope because I, as a partner, will definitely not feel good if I get it, Owi hasn't. But it's called sustenance, so someone has already taken care of it," he continued.

Liliyana became the 10th Indonesian badminton athlete to receive this award. She is also the second female athlete after Susy Susanti to enter the list.

Besides Liliyana and Susy, this award has been received by Dick Sudirman and Rudy Hartono (1997), Christian Hadinata (2001), Liem Siew King (2002), and Tjun Tjun, Johan Wahjudi, Ricky Subagja, Rexy Mainaky (in 2009).

Besides Liliyana, this edition of the Hall of Fame award was also given to former Chinese badminton player, Zhao Yunlei. However, Yunlei was unable to attend in person at Istora.

“This Hall of Fame has a very big meaning. This means that I am not only recognized in Indonesia but recognized in the world. That Indonesian badminton is not just me. Indonesian badminton deserves to be reckoned with and recognized in the eyes of the world," said Liliyana.

While active as a mixed doubles player, the player who is familiarly called Butet won a total of four world championships with two different pairs, Nova Widianto and Tontowi.

He also had a chance to make a hat trick in the All England with Tontowi. Then the highlight was the 2016 Rio Olympics gold medal before he decided to hang up his racket.

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