JAKARTA - The international electric car racing event, Formula E, will be held at the Ancol Circuit, Jakarta on June 4. Before it was held, the organizers planned to hold a convoy similar to the one held ahead of the MotoGP last March.

However, it is different from the route of the convoy during MotoGP. The location of the convoy of Formula E participants is focused around the National Monument (Monas). Formula E organizing committee Ahmad Sahroni said the electric car racers would also participate in the photo session agenda at that location.

"On June 2, we have an activity for a photo session (at Monas)," said Ahmad Sahroni as quoted by Antara, Monday, May 23.

Sahroni said, after the photo session, the riders will also circle the route around Monas.

The reason for using Monas as a photo location ahead of the Formula E event, Sahroni did not explain in detail. However, this is thought to be a step to disseminate information to the wider community about one of the icons of Jakarta.

Ahead of the photo session at Monas on June 2, Sahroni said that Formula E drivers would start arriving in Jakarta on May 28-29. However, Sahroni did not mention the names of the racers who participated in the convoy session.

Apart from the presence of the racers, the logistical equipment arrived first and will be completed on Tuesday tomorrow to be checked by Customs and Excise. The cargo opening process will be carried out directly at the Ancol Circuit on 27 May.

Although the logistical preparations were completed first, Sahroni explained that the racers would not try the 22 cars directly on the track. Because the test has been done through a simulator.

"Later on, they will not do a track test, they will immediately play because they have already played in the simulator," said Sahroni.

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