JAKARTA - Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto's steps to qualify for the second round of the 2022 Korea Open, followed by two other Indonesian men's doubles. The number of Indonesian representatives in the second round also increased.

The two doubles that qualified were Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin and Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan. Both pairs managed to get past the hurdles in the first round, Tuesday 5 April.

Leo/Daniel managed to secure a ticket to the second round after impressing against Hiroki Okamura/Masayuki Onodera at Palma Stadium.

In the meeting with the Japanese representative, Leo/Daniel had to go through fierce competition for a place in the second round. The rubber game had to be lived to fight to qualify for the advanced round.

Even though they had slumped in the initial game, Leo/Daniel were able to make a comeback in the next two games. The proof, in this first round, they did three games over the Japanese representatives with a score of 7-21, 21-13 and 21-13.

Meanwhile, Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan had no problems facing Krishna Prasad Garaga/Vishnuvardhan Goud Panjala, representatives from India. Through two games that lasted 31 minutes, the Indonesian representative was indeed with the final score of 21-14 and 21-19.

The victory of the two men's doubles in the first round of the Korea Open added to the splendor of the Indonesian representatives to continue their positive results in the second round. Because previously Fajar/Rian, Shesar Hiren Rhustavito and Bagas/Fikri were confirmed to appear in the second round, Wednesday 6 April tomorrow.

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