JAKARTA - The Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) will oversee the implementation of the 2022 Indonesian MotoGP at the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) which is scheduled to take place on March 18-20.

IADO's involvement cannot be separated from the collaboration with the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI). Not only MotoGP, IMI is also ready to cooperate with IADO in upholding the anti-doping spirit in various sports events and other automotive mobility.

"IADO will also be involved by IMI in various other national and international championship events held in Indonesia, including the Asia Talent Cup, World Superbike, GT World Challenge Asia, MXGP, Asia Pacific Rally Championship (APRC), to the World Rally Championship," said IMI. IMI General Chair Bambang Soesatyo was quoted from Antara, Thursday.

The man who is familiarly called Bamsoet also said that the spirit of changing the name of the Indonesian Anti-Doping Institute (LADI) to IADO was one of them to facilitate communication at the international level.

The spirit of the name change must also be followed by the spirit of change to make IADO an independent, professional and trusted organization.

"Independent means that there should be no interference from the government or sports management in making anti-doping decisions issued by the IADO. While professional and reliable, there should no longer be any IADO administrators who hold concurrent positions as sports branch managers or government employees," said Bamsoet .

Bamsoet, who is also the General Chair of the Tarung Derajat Sports Family (PB Kodrat), said that various parties must participate in providing support, considering that previously IADO, or what was then known as LADI, often had difficulty giving sanctions to athletes who used doping.

This is because the sport in which the athlete is located is led by state officials and influential figures.

"IMI and PB Kodrat will stand at the forefront of giving sanctions to motor racing and combat athletes who are proven to have used doping. This step must also be followed by other sports. Anyone who is proven to have used doping must be subject to sanctions by the IADO. the sport must provide support," said Bamsoet.

Furthermore, he also appreciated the hard work of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) and IADO, who have worked hard so that starting February 2, 2022, Indonesia will be free from WADA sanctions.

In this way, Indonesian athletes and teams that win competitions at the international level can fly the red and white flag and sing the anthem Indonesia Raya.

Indonesia can also host international sporting events, and send envoys to occupy various positions in international sports institutions.

"From the initial sentence that should have been valid for one year since it was imposed on October 7, 2021, it can be accelerated to only about four months. The imposition of such sanctions is sufficient to be the first and last. Don't let it happen again," concluded Bamsoet.

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