JAKARTA - Everton on Tuesday morning WIB announced the success of landing James Rodriguez from Real Madrid permanently.

Neither Everton nor Real Madrid have disclosed the value of the transfer, but European media have reported that the Colombian midfielder was brought in for a fee of 22.4 million euros (approximately Rp.390 billion).

Everton said James signed a two-year contract with the right to a third-year extension option for the club.

"I am delighted to be at a club that has a long history and work again with a manager who knows me very well," said James, commenting on his move.

With a move to Everton, James will return to work under Carlo Ancelotti, who brought him to Real Madrid in 2014.

At that time, in his first season at Real Madrid under Ancelotti, James was named the best midfielder in the 2014/15 Spanish League with 13 goals and 13 assists in 29 appearances.

Ancelotti also returned to using James's services when he handled Bayern Munich and brought in the player on loan from Real Madrid in the 2017/18 season.

"I believe that together with Carlo and his staff we can achieve great things and it is clear that Carlo Ancelotti's presence is one of the big reasons for this decision," he said.

"I had good times with him at two different clubs. That's a big reason I moved here," added James.

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