JAKARTA - Indonesian mixed martial arts athlete, Priscilla “Thathie” Hertati Lumban Gaol, has managed to dispel the stigma associated with the career path she has chosen. He also wants more women to plunge into the world that they do.

It was not easy for “Thathie” to start her career as a professional mixed martial arts (MMA) athlete. He once faced the biggest challenge to convince his family regarding the profession he would be pursuing.

“In [my circle] it's family, because my mother seems very opposed. Moreover, [I am] a woman, [that is why she] is very against it," Priscilla said on the One Championship website as quoted by VOI.

Not getting the family's blessing to become an MMA athlete is motivated by various oblique stigmas related to women who are involved in this sport. One thing that is circulating is that women who often fight in the arena will automatically become infertile.

However, over time, the stigma slowly began to fade. Priscilla's various achievements on important stages were slowly able to bury the disapproval of her family.

Meanwhile, statements that have no scientific basis related to infertility are already mental. Moreover, the 33-year-old athlete has now fulfilled her role as a mother with the birth of her beloved daughter, Bianca, in 2021.

"Apparently, martial arts do not make barren, [I] make many people do not hesitate to introduce martial arts since childhood. That's what was really rejected at first," said Priscilla.

After her last match against China's top athlete Meng Bo at the end of October 2020, Priscilla took a short break to enjoy her busy life as a mother. However, now he is back in training while giving private training sessions for Muay Thai.

His career as a professional athlete helped him get additional requests to train fellow women who wanted to develop their martial arts skills.

In the midst of his busy training schedule, he often encounters clients who are interested in pursuing MMA. However, their curiosity to follow in Priscilla's footsteps sometimes gets obstacles from their close family.

However, Priscilla did not give up. He still tries to convince his clients that the stigma attached to women who pursue MMA is not true.

“There are those who want to, but sometimes their husbands don't approve. There was one client of mine, when I asked that question, he really tried and he won. It's an honor for me too if he succeeds like that," said Priscilla.

Among the female athletes under ONE Championship, Priscilla is one of the Indonesian fighters who has achieved quite a feat in the atomweight division.

In global MMA, Priscilla's achievement can be said to be one of the best for women from the country. With a professional record of 7-5, this woman from Dolok Sanggul, North Sumatra, has flown the Red and White for seven times on the world mixed martial arts stage.

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