JAKARTA – The trial of the world number one tennis player, Novak Djokovic, regarding the cancellation of his entry visa to Australia was teased by hackers. They brought up a pornographic video in the middle of the trial.

The 34-year-old tennis player has been released from immigration detention on Monday, January 10 yesterday. He was able to leave the detention hotel after Federal Court Judge Anthony Kelly ordered his release.

It was during the trial process that this porn video incident occurred. The intruder managed to break into the link between the judge's office, the government and Djokovic's lawyers.

Hackers broke links and streamed porn and music. Porn videos played moments before a judge ruled Djokovic could remain in Australia.

According to the Daily Star report, this happened because the system crashed several times due to a lot of people logging into the live feed.

Journalists who clicked on an expired Microsoft Teams link provided by the court were instead faced with an image of an obscene scene.

News Corp's head of digital sports Emily Benammar tweeted: "Porno: One thing missing from the whole Djokovic story."

"While there is a public broadcast, there is a link to the old team still working on the Djokovic case and court officials are missing after having issues with muting all," said another journalist, Sarah Dankert.

Djokovic flew to Melbourne last week to defend his Australian Open title.

Djokovic arrived Wednesday, January 5, and was detained at the airport hours before officials announced he did not meet Australia's entry requirements.

To be able to play Australian Open matches, players are required to have been vaccinated.

The nine-time Australian Open champion was sent to the Park Hotel in Melbourne after being denied entry to Australia. The immigration officer revoked his visa for not meeting the entry requirements related to COVID-19.

Djokovic remains in the draw on Thursday, January 13, although there is still uncertainty over whether the Australian government will cancel his visa for a second time.

The holder of 20 grand slam titles is seeded first and will face compatriot Miomir Kecmanovic in the first match.

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