JAKARTA – The first seeded men's doubles pair Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan still have homework to do in the 2022 India Open. They want to be better prepared in the next round.

The pair nicknamed The Daddies reached the second round thanks to an easy victory in straight sets, 21-18, 21-10, over the host's representative Prem Singh Chouhan/Rajesh Verma on Selesa, January 11.

"For the day after tomorrow, maybe we should increase our focus more. The reason is, every day it will be increasingly difficult for the opponent. So we have to be more prepared the day after tomorrow," said Hendra in a statement received by VOI.

In the first round match Hendra / Ahsan looked hot too late. The number of points they had left behind at the beginning of the first set and their opponent was overtaken at the beginning of the second set.

The Daddies also seemed to be still groping around in the slightly windy arena. However, this relatively short match could be a warm-up for both of them after a long absence.

"Today is the first match, so we have to adapt first. The problem is that there is a little wind. Then, to make our body movements more comfortable, first," said Hendra.

Even though they have passed the first round, the three-time world champion pair doesn't want to go overboard about targets.

They just want to enjoy the game and hope to perform well in every game.

"The target is to win in every round," said Ahsan.

In the second round, Hendra/Ahsan will meet Bhaskar Chakraborty/Kapil Chaudhary.

The candidate against The Daddies qualified for the second round after successfully overcoming their compatriots Shashwat Dalal/Satinder Malik.

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