JAKARTA - Indonesian national team midfielder Ricky Kambuaya has ambitions to beat Singapore in the second leg of the 2020 AFF Cup semifinals. He did this in order to present Christmas gifts for the Indonesian people and especially their families.

This year Ricky could not celebrate Christmas with his family, because he was helping the national team struggling in Singapore to appear in the 2020 AFF Cup semifinals which coincided with Christmas, 25 December.

"The match coincides with Christmas. I personally want to give a special gift, especially for the family on Christmas Day by giving the best (winning) in the match and defeating the opponent (Singapore)," said Ricky as quoted from the PSSI official website.

The spirit of presenting victory is not only felt by Ricky Kambuaya. Previously, Ramai Rumakiek also revealed the same thing.

He even stated his availability to continue to defend the national team even though he had to put aside the moment of gathering with his family on Christmas Day. Rumakiek is ready to give maximum performance for good results.

"For tomorrow (Saturday) this Christmas we are playing for the country. Whether it's Christmas or New Year, especially we Christians, are ready for the match," said Ramai at a press conference ahead of the match.

Many people will use the second leg of the 2020 AFF Cup semifinals to perform as much as possible. Because, during the first leg he didn't play because I started with a yellow card.

This second leg match will take place tonight at the National Stadium, Singapore starting at 19.30 WIB. A 1-1 draw in the previous leg made the national team and Singapore both have a strong chance to advance to the final through victory in this party.

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