JAKARTA - Jake Paul's boxing roadshow continues, with a knockout victory over non-professional boxer Tyron Woodley on Sunday morning in Tampa, Florida. However, the sensational YouTuber was accused of rigging the fight.

Paul was supposed to fight Tommy Fury on December 18th. However, health problems forced the professional boxer to resign which meant Woodley filled the slot at the last second.

In the fight that took place at Amelia Arena, Paul hit Woodley with his right hand in the sixth round until the former UFC champion fell unconscious.

With this victory, the Youtuber now holds a 5-0 battle record. However, the victory over Woodley is now debatable. Especially the netizens who took issue with Paul's punch.

In a number of YouTube videos circulating on Twitter, many point to the clip before Paul KO Woodley as evidence of a lie.

Twitter users said there was a clear movement of Paul's right hand which was used as a signal for Woodley to let his guard down when the punch came in.

"Jake Paul twisted his right hand before throwing a punch and Tyron let his guard down when the punch came...if it wasn't cheating I don't know what it was," said one netizen.

Indeed there is no evidence that the blow was illegitimate given that Woodley was dropped to the floor and unconscious.

However, there are netizens who believe that Paul and the former UFC star previously agreed that he would accept defeat by the time Paul voted.

"Maybe not because his punch was fake, but because he (Woodley) was ready to fall and Paul hit him hard enough to really knock him down convincingly," responded another netizan.

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