JAKARTA - Juergen Klopp's decisive attitude was shown before the opening of the transfer window for the next half of the season, January 2022. The Liverpool coach has openly stated that he will not sign players who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

So far it is known that Klopp is one of the coaches who is very concerned about the health of his players. Including when the pandemic strikes all over the world, Klopp has been the most vocal in voicing a vaccine for the players.

"I think it (vaccination) will have an effect, of course, on the club that recruits players," Klopp was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail on Sunday, December 19.

Klopp's decision was conveyed by the coach because according to him if the club recruited players who did not follow the health protocols it would be difficult for the team. Because the player is clearly more vulnerable and will be a threat to many parties.

"If a player is not vaccinated at all, he is always a threat to all of us," he said.

"He doesn't want to be a threat, not because he thinks 'I don't care about the others' but he is," Klopp continued.

Despite the coach's statement that he will strictly pick players in the transfer window, Liverpool themselves have so far implemented the strictest health protocols possible. The Reds even stated that all players were better protected because they had run the vaccine up to the second dose.

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