JAKARTA - Anthony Sinisuka Ginting just had an unlucky fate, his car was stolen by a thief. This news was shared by the men's singles badminton player via his Twitter account.

"The Hyundai Getz car with license plate number D 1713 SGR has disappeared. It is estimated that this morning at 9-9.30 in the Cimahi area, Bandung and its surroundings," said Ginting in his upload Sunday, December 12.

He also asked netizens for help to spread information about the loss, hoping that his car could be found soon.

"For friends who see this car, you can report it right away," Ginting continued.

Knowing the unfortunate news that had just happened to Ginting, netizens were busy making comments and praying that the car could be found.

But, that's not all. Netizens also discussed the loss incident that Ginting had experienced before. Yes, the young badminton player was a victim of the theft of an ice cream box.

Ginting got an ice cream box prize after winning bronze at the Olympics. The ice cream box was then placed at the inn where he and his fellow badminton players stayed.

But somehow, the ice cream box suddenly disappeared and was stolen by an unknown person. So far, the perpetrator has not been found.

"Yesterday the ice cream disappeared as much as a box now the car is gone, I hope you find it soon, ony," commented a netizen.

"I thought it was only Ting's ice cream that went missing, but it turns out, I'll see you soon," replied another netizen.

"After losing 1 Box of Ice Cream, now losing a car. It's easy to find it quickly," hoped another netizen.

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