JAKARTA - The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and representatives of the Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) left for Lausanne, Switzerland. The departure was aimed at carrying out further diplomacy in order to lift sanctions against LADI.

Led by the General Chair of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI), Raja Sapta Oktohari, the Secretary General of the Task Force Fitrian Yudis, Deputy Chair of LADI Rheza Maulana, and Expert Gatot S Dewa Broto also departed. They are scheduled to meet WADA on Wednesday afternoon local time.

The departure of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Sanctions Settlement to Switzerland aims to discuss the possibility of accelerating the lifting of sanctions imposed by WADA. Where the sanctions are valid for one year since they were imposed in early October.

With that goal, Okto asked for prayers and support from the community so that their efforts to go to Switzerland and carry out diplomacy with WADA could yield maximum results.

"We ask for the prayers of all Indonesian people so that we can carry out the tasks that have been mandated to us, namely the acceleration of WADA sanctions as soon as possible," Okto said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 7.

Before the Task Force left for Switzerland, LADI was close to finalizing the requirements and pending matters that led to the WADA sanction.

Some of the requirements that have been completed by LADI include the composition of the full-time management at LADI and the doping test (TDP) plan which includes tests inside and outside the competition.

Okto, who represents the Task Force, is optimistic that this diplomatic effort can lead to good decisions. The reason is, if the sanctions can be suspended by WADA, Indonesia can freely hold many international events.

"The Task Force will try its best to carry out diplomacy so that WADA sanctions against LADI can be immediately suspended," he said.

"It's not just to see the Red and White flying again, but also Indonesia has many plans to bring many sporting events to Indonesia," said Okto.

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