JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) is close to finalizing the requirements and pending matters that have caused the WADA sanctions and is ready to meet the world anti-doping agency at its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The chairman of the WADA Sanctions Settlement Acceleration Task Force who is also the General Chair of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) Raja Sapta Oktohari said that his party even received a positive response in a virtual meeting with the Regional Anti-Doping Organization of Southeast Asia (SEARADO) and WADA, Tuesday.

Furthermore, the Task Force with LADI will report the progress directly to WADA on 8 December.

“The outcome of the meeting was very positive. Almost all of the conditions given by WADA have been met by LADI. Furthermore, WADA is waiting for the Task Force and LADI to report and deliver directly in Switzerland on December 8," said Okto, Oktohari's nickname, quoted from Antara, Wednesday.

“We use this moment to intensify diplomacy, but not to lobby. We do all of this as a step to accelerate the process of lifting WADA sanctions," he added.

The conditions that have been completed by LADI, continued Okto, concern the composition of the full-time management at LADI and the plan for a doping test (TDP) which includes tests inside and outside the competition.

Okto explained that there are things that have not been resolved, namely regarding the law and independent budget management. However, he believes this can be resolved soon because of the government's commitment.

He hopes that a follow-up meeting with WADA will speed up the suspension of the LADI sanctions which have been in effect for one year.

"We hope that before one year the WADA sanctions can be lifted," he concluded.

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