JAKARTA - BMW has confirmed it will stop bookings for the M8 variant of Coupe earlier this year. In addition, the manufacturer will soon remove the Convertible and Gran Coupe variants followed by the cessation of standard Series-8 production in 2026.

The German manufacturer has also not confirmed whether the series will have a new generation. However, BMW has other plans by presenting a replacement.

BMW M Vice President Customer, Brand, and Sales, Sylvia Neubauer, said that his party has no plans to present a direct successor to the M8 but opens up opportunities to present a different model.

"There is one project that we are working on. I think this has the potential to attract attention to various markets in the world," Sylvia said as quoted by BMWBlog, Monday, March 24.

Thus, the BMW M division is currently designing one of the newest and different models compared to the one being sold today. It is possible that the concept is equipped with pure electric power.

In other words, the high-performance sub-brand is designing other models besides the latest M3 powered by electricity. However, the successor to the M8 is still a mystery and the public will soon find out in the coming years.

BMW M8 is one of the models loved by BMW fans around the world thanks to its fierce performance like a supercar. The cessation of production from this car certainly leaves sorrow for its lovers.

If the manufacturer gives the green light, it is possible that the latest generation from Series-8 or M8 will not attend before 2029-2030 or exactly ten years from the current generation introduced.

It is possible that the M8 will be offered in pure combustion engine (ICE) and electric options which are also in line with BMW's strategy of synergizing conventional drivers with pure electricity.

Currently, the BMW M8 is powered by a 4.4 liter V8 twin-turbo engine that is the hallmark of the BMW M by producing 617 hp power on the trim Competition. This is paired with an all-wheeled (AWD) xDrive drive developed by this brand itself.

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