YOGYAKARTA - Car owners must understand the components of the car that need to be checked after a long trip. For example, after a vacation out of town or when going back to their hometown during Eid. After a long journey, the car works extra and faces various conditions.
After a long journey, the car needs maintenance because of the high level of use. However, because they are tired or tired, not a few car owners forget or ignore the condition of their car. Even though there are several components of the car that must be checked after a long trip so that they are not damaged or problematic.
After a long trip, you should take the car to the repair shop to check the components. You have to make sure that each component of the car is in good condition after working extra.
This car component check serves to detect early if there is damage. So you can immediately fix it and can drive it without any problems. Here are some components of the car that must be checked after a long trip.
One of the important components in the car that needs to be checked after a long trip is the legs of the car. The legs of the car work extra when traveling long distances and crossing various terrains. Especially if the car is used to carry a lot of heavy loads or loads.
Bagian kaki-kiki mobil yang perlu Anda pemeriksa, di antaranya shockabsorber, lower arm, bushing arm, bearing, laker, hingga ball joint. Frequentnya komponen di kaki-kiki mobil ini dibaikan karena lokasinya berada di bawah. Namun jika Anda menemukan adanya masalah, sebaiknya segera perbaikan atau menggantinya.
You also have to check the car oil after traveling long distances. Because you just use the car for a long distance and longer than usual. This trip causes the high temperature of the engine, so that it can make the performance and volume of the oil decrease.
You need to check this condition to make sure there are no leaks. If there are seepages or droplets of oil, then you must immediately carry out maintenance or repairs. Then if the volume of oil is running low, you should immediately replace it with a new one.
Tires are also the component of the car that works the most when used long trips. Once you get home, make sure to check the condition of your car tires. You need to check the pressure of the wind and the skin of the tires. Long trips will cause the tires to heat up, thereby accelerating the level of aus.
When checking the car tires, make sure the tires are still far from the Wear Indicator (TWI) that are available on the tires. Often, the steep or overflowing terrain conditions make the tire palm torn or perforated. So check carefully and if you experience irregularities, replace it with a new one for the safety of the use of the car.
The long journey also makes the brake components work harder. Especially if you cross traffic jams and climbs and decreases. The brakes that work extra will make the brush run faster or eroded. So check and make sure the thickness of the brake camp is still in good condition.
If the brake camp is running low or reaches the maximum limit, then you must replace it immediately. Don't forget to check the condition of the brake oil according to the recommendations that have been determined.
Another component of the car that must be checked after passing a long journey is the radiator. The auto Radiator may experience a heavy duty cycle, especially if your car is an old or old vehicle. Make sure the engine temperature is always constant and does not experience overheating, and there's nothing wrong with draining the radiator.
Body and car interior are also other important parts that you should not miss when checking the condition of the car. When traveling long distances, your car body faces various exposures such as wind, dust, sunlight, and rain.
So make sure you check every part of the car body to make sure nothing is damaged, muddy, or peeling off. In addition, you also need to check the interior of your car from the cabin to the trunk. Make sure the interior does not smell pungent or there are insects in it.
That's a review of the components of the car that need to be checked after a long trip. Even though your car looks normal or fine, you should continue to check on a number of components above. Also read the car body maintenance during the rainy season.
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