YOGYAKARTA - Many car owners use rooftops to carry luggage while traveling long distances. But sometimes the items put on the roofbox are too much or too much. Even though it is very dangerous to carry things too heavy on the roofbox.

The existence of a rooftop is very helpful when you want to travel with a lot of stuff. But you need to pay attention to the procedures for using the roofbox in the car. One of them is the type of item that is carried and the weight of the luggage.

Even though there is a rooftop with a large capacity, not just any luggage, you can put it on the rooftop. You need to know the danger of carrying things too heavy on the roofbox for safety when traveling by car.

Car owners are required to pay attention to the weight of the luggage to be placed on the roofbox while traveling. It is recommended to put light luggage and not consumer goods.

Make sure the items placed on the roofbox do not exceed the specifications of the roofbox capabilities used. Why can't you carry things too heavy on the roofbox? Items weighing more than the roofbox load can add a center of gravity.

The load being too heavy at the top of the car has the potential to make the car convex when driving. The increase in the height of the car accompanied by the load above can cause car maneuvers to feel more thrown, thereby endangering the stability of control.

When you travel with your family to a remote place, whether on vacation or homecoming, you will definitely bring a lot of stuff. You can take advantage of the rooftop installed on the car to put the luggage.

However, you need to pay attention to a few things so you can safely store luggage on the roofbox. Here are some tips for safe carrying luggage on the roofbox that you need to apply:

Car owners must pay attention to the capacity of the storage and capacity of the roofbox. You need to know the risk of carrying things is too heavy on the roofbox. Even though this storage box is designed to increase the load capacity, that doesn't mean you can just put things in.

When you want to store items on the roofbox, you should choose goods with the light category. In addition, avoid bringing consumer goods on the roofbox. This storage box is more suitable for equipment such as changing clothes, additional equipment, or items that will not be used during the trip.

As in previous points, car owners must pay attention to the specifications and maximum capacity of the rooftop. It is important for you to comply with the maximum weight limit rules for items to be placed on the roofbox.

Avoid carrying heavy goods and sizes exceeding the roofbox capacity. The carrying of goods is too heavy or excessive, it can change the center of gravity, which creates a risk of accidents while traveling.

Bringing additional tools or items on top of the car can affect the stability of the car. So you also need to adjust how much stuff will be placed on the roofbox and do not disturb the stability of the car. So in addition to paying attention to the built-in weight, you must also take into account the additional height of the roofbox installed.

That's a review of the dangers of bringing things too heavy on the roofbox of the car. Carrying items that exceed the roofbox capacity can interfere with driving comfort to the risk of causing accidents. Also read safe and comfortable tips for driving during the trip.

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