YOGYAKARTA - Ideally, car owners replace tires directly by four units at once. However, under some conditions, changing tires could only be on one or two tires. Sometimes the tires used are also from different brands. So it's safe not to change car tires to different brands?

Car tires have a very important role in supporting the safety and comfort of driving, so tire selection needs to be considered as best as possible. Car owners are advised to replace the tires of all units with the same brand. However, there are also those who replace tires with different brands.

Many car owners are wondering whether changing car tires to different brands could be risky or not?

The choice of car tires should not be done carelessly because it must be adjusted to the needs of the car or how to drive. In addition, each tire also has different specifications, both in terms of materials, size, and flow.

In order for the performance of car tires to run ideally, car owners are advised to use tires with the same brand. If you are forced to use tires with different brands, then at least the size and rating of the tires must be the same.

So you may use rear car tires and different front tires, but make sure they have the same size. This application is also different brands on right and left tires, both front and rear tires.

If you want to change your car tires to different brands, here are some of the requirements or criteria that you need to know for the safety and comfort of driving:

Using a car tire of different sizes is not recommended because it can pose a dangerous risk. The different tire sizes will make the car lame and difficult to control. So if you want to use a different brand car tire, make sure the tires used are of the same brand.

The next requirement for the use of different brands of car tires is the type. You are allowed to use different brand tires as long as the tires used have the same type.

For example, your car is a city car type that must use special tires for city cars. Avoid using different brand tires which are also different types, because each type of tire has a different function.

The use of different brands of car tires is also allowed as long as it is installed on one axis. This means that one tire axis should not be fitted with tires with different brands. If the right tire on the front axis uses the A brand, then the left side tire of the front axis must also use the A brand.

Do not install different brand tires on one axis, such as brand A's right tire on the front axis and B's left tire on the left axis. Installation of different brand tires on one axis will make the car unbalanced.

When an old and worn tire is paired with new tires, it can make the speed of the car lame. In addition to disturbing comfort, this condition is of course very risky to endanger the safety of the driver.

The use of rear tires must use tires that have a ratio and perform better than the front tire. So if you only replace two tires, then the new bar should be used on the back.

That's a review of whether it's safe to change tires in different brands. The use of different brands of car tires is allowed as long as you pay attention to a number of requirements above. Also read article on how to read car tire codes.

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