JAKARTA - There are several reasons why some people are still reluctant to buy electric cars. One of them is concerns about maintenance of electric cars, such as expensive battery replacement costs and the need to replace batteries after several years.

However, now most electric car manufacturers have offered battery guarantees for several years, and the cost of battery replacement has fallen along with the development of cheaper battery technology.

In addition, it can also be because they are not used to electric car technology and do not have sufficient knowledge of how to care for and use it. However, with the increasing amount of information and resources available, awareness of electric cars continues to increase and more and more people are becoming interested in this technology.

According to Suprayetno, as Head of Service Planning and Strategy of Hyundai Motors Indonesia, maintenance of electric cars is not much different from conventional cars. Electric car maintenance is carried out depending on the kilometer of the car or 15,000 km at the official workshop.

"We can convey that the maintenance of electric cars is not much different from conventional cars. Routine maintenance is carried out every 15,000 km at Hyundai Official Workshop," Suprayetno told VOI, Monday, March 20.

Although the maintenance is not much different from conventional cars, Suprayetno explained that there are several important things that the owner needs to know about the maintenance of electric cars, especially Hyundai, what are they?

Although the price of electric cars is quite expensive, maintenance and maintenance are relatively cheap. Moreover, for Hyundai electric car users, they provide Free Care Services up to 75,000 km or five years and free periodic maintenance spare parts of up to 45,000 km/3 years.

In addition, Hyundai provides a basic three-year warranty or reaches 100,000 km and a battery guarantee for eight years or a vehicle of 160,000 km.

Hyundai also provides facilities that make maintenance easier and provide worry-free experiences to customers through service features from @myHyundai.

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