JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo) revealed that vehicle sales tended to decline in the month of Ramadan.

"We'll just look at the annual figures, yes, sales have decreased," said Chairman I of Gaikindo Jongkie Sugiarto as quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Monday, March 27.

Jongkie explained that during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, factories, workshops, and car showrooms usually operate in a limited manner so that sales are not like other times. However, he did not specify the difference in the number of sales over a certain period of time.

"If it's Ramadan and Eid, it's always a short month because there are many who go home or take holidays together," he said

Even so, Gaikindo estimates that national car sales will continue to increase throughout 2023. The wholesales (from factories to dealers) national cars reached 181,077 units in the January-February 2023 period, or an increase of 9.6 percent compared to sales in the first two months of 2022 of 165,144 units.

Meanwhile, retail sales (from dealers to consumers) reached 174,845 units in January-February 2023, up 17.7 percent compared to sales in January-February 2022 (148,557 units).

Gaikindo projects that car sales in Indonesia can reach 975,000 units by the end of the year.

"Hopefully this figure can be achieved, even Gaikindo hopes that car sales can be more than one million units," Jongkie concluded.

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