Introducing Moley, A Kitchen Robot That Can Help Mothers Cook
Moley Robotics Kitchen (businessinsider)

JAKARTA - Moley Robotics, a culinary robot maker company founded in 2014 based in London, created a robot that can cook various recipes.

Moley Robotic Kitchen can serve food and clean dishes after meals. This robot can help ease work in the kitchen, such as preparing cooking spices and putting food in the oven.

Not only that, this kitchen robot can also cook thousands of recipes. This capability is an improvement from the prototype version in 2017 which can only serve one type of food.

In fact, this robot can do small things that seem trivial like breaking the egg shell neatly before making a fried egg. However, despite her astonishing abilities, Moley is yet to be able to peel potato skins or cut carrots as reported by TheGadgetFlow, Thursday, January 14.

Moley Robotics Kitchen comes with two robotic arms that can move smoothly. Both arms can also mimic professional Chef movements when cooking. For another addition, Moley is equipped with sensors and cameras so that you can prepare food without leaving the slightest scratch on the surface of kitchen items.

Moley was designed to have the ability to move human hands. This robotic hand gesture is inspired by the professional chef, Tim Anderson. The development process recorded Anderson's cooking technique in 3D which was then translated into digital motion.

"You need a robot that is reliable and can cook a variety of recipes," said Dr. Mark Oleynik as CEO of Moley Robotics.

Launching DigitalTrends, this chef robot sells for 335 thousand US dollars (equivalent to IDR 4.7 billion). A robot chef priced at the price of a luxury home may sound exaggerated.

However, Oleynik, a Russian mathematician and computer scientist, had already taken it into account. He believes that one day this robot will be produced in large quantities at a lower price than today.

"Moley Robotics aims to improve the quality of life and health by combining technological innovation and nutrition for every home and commercial institution," wrote the company on the official website of Moley Robotics.

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