Menpora Believes PBSI Can Solve Kevin-Herry IP's Problem: This Is A Misunderstanding
Menpora Zainudin Amali. (Doc. Kemenpora Site)

JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali has yet to intervene to resolve the dispute between Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo and his coach, Herry Iman Pierngadi.

He said, this is a matter of PBSI. He believes, the parent badminton sport already has a solution.

"I have ordered this to be a matter for the PBSI federation. I am sure that PBSI can find a way out," said Menpora Amali, as reported by Antara.

However, if there is a request, this man from Gorontalo is ready to help.

"I still leave it to the federation, if the federation says it's asking for help from the government, we'll definitely talk to it," said the Minister of Youth and Sports.

"But if not, as long as the federation can handle it, of course we invite the federation to find a way out so that this can get back together again," he continued.

The Minister of Youth and Sports said that disputes between players and coaches are common. In fact, this also often happens in other sports.

"This is a matter of misunderstanding, it must be a matter of communication. When spoken to, I have confidence (to get along). In other sports we have succeeded like that," said the Golkar politician.

It was previously reported that Herry IP was reported to be no longer handling Kevin. This, he said, was Kevin's own request.

"Kevin doesn't want to train with me. Better ask Kevin," said Herry IP.

Herry admitted that he did not know why Kevin was reluctant to train with him. He found out about this after receiving news from the Assistant Men's Doubles Coach Aryono Miranat after the Indonesia Open 2022 which was held last June 14-19.

"He said Kevin was no longer suitable for training with me. If you don't feel right, then you don't have to train with me," he added.

Kevin Sanjaya, said Herry, continues to train at the Cipayung National Training Center. However, he separated himself from the men's doubles squad, which was taken care of by the trainer nicknamed the Fire Dragon.

"Now the practice is with friends in primary and mixed (mixed doubles). The training remains in the national training, but does not join the men's doubles," said Herry.

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