JAKARTA - The Democratic Party's candidate for president of the United States (US), Joe Biden, is seen holding a note bearing the name Kamala Harris along with a series of talking points about him. This sparked new speculation about the position of the Democratic Party member in California as a vice presidential candidate to accompany Biden.

According to CNN, the note photographed when Biden spoke in Wilmington, Delaware featured Harris's name, followed by five talking points: Don't hold grudges, campaign with me and Jill, talented, very helpful to the campaign and has great respect for him.

Harris's fame on Biden's record follows a report in which a former Connecticut senator named Chris Dodd, who was a member of Biden's team, was listing potential Biden's vice presidential candidate. However, he criticized Harris's attitude.

His criticism stems from Harris's attack on Biden during a debate in June 2019. . Harris criticized Biden for praising "civil" working relations with senators who exercise racial segregation. Harris has also launched his opposition to school buses implementing federally mandated racial segregation.

"Biden, I don't believe you are racist, and I agree with you, when you are committed to the importance of finding common ground," Harris said at the debate.

"But I also believe it pains me to hear you talk about the reputation of two US senators who built their reputation and careers on the basis of racial segregation in this country," Harris added.

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His attack shocked Biden, who noted that Harris had a good relationship with his son, former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, before he died. Harris's attitude shocked the Democrats and put Harris on the main list of competitors and destroyers of Biden's name.

But with Harris now widely seen as the main contender for the vice presidential nomination alongside Biden, one key question is whether the wounds from the attack have healed.

Dodd, reportedly told longtime Biden supporters that when he asked Harris about the debate attack Harris laughed and said "That's politics and I'm not sorry."

Biden said after his speech in Wilmington, he would elect his vice presidential candidate next week. Since last week Biden has been rumored to be choosing a black female vice presidential candidate.

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