PALU - The chairman of the Nahdlatul Religion Executive Board (PBNU) KH Said Aqil Siroj emphasized that the government and officials must enforce the law objectively and impose punishments based on the weight of their guilt to anyone indiscriminately.

"Whoever catches the wrong one. Whoever is right must be defended and protected. Whoever he is," he said when delivering directions at the opening of the regional work meeting and the inauguration of the board of the Nahdlatul Ulama Cadre Madrasah (MKNU) of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) Province in Palu City. Between, Friday, October 29.

Said Aqil gave an example of how Prophet Muhammad SAW was firm and objective and did not indiscriminately enforce the law to anyone regardless of ethnicity or religion when he became a leader.

In fact, he continued, the prophet himself would punish his son if his son was proven guilty and violated Islamic law.

The prophet's attitude is what he hopes will be applied by officials, policy makers, regional heads and law enforcers in Indonesia and in Central Sulawesi.

"It's not based on ethnicity or religion. What is seen is truth, justice, honesty, trustworthiness. Hopefully the law enforcement in Central Sulawesi will also be like that," said Said Iqbal.

In addition, the PBNU chairman asked all Muslims, especially NU residents and NU administrators in Central Sulawesi, to maintain harmony between religious communities and not be hostile. However, he stated that it is permissible to be hostile to someone if that person commits several offenses.

"There should be no enmity, except to the wrongdoers, except for those who violate the law, violating the 1945 Constitution. There must not be hostility just because of differences in religion, ethnicity, political parties, immigrants or natives. Those who must be hostile to anyone who violates the law," Said Aqil added.

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